Missing the Dog

I don't have a dog, otherwise maybe I could have reproduced the HMV trademark, but with a difference. Instead of a record an MP3 player, at least the partial cause of the decline of the record store.

When I moved house a few years ago I gave my record collection to charity. They told me one person bought the whole lot, and did so the same day they put it in the shop. I subsequently downloaded some of the records in digital format, but some were more or less irreplaceable. As I also gave my Stereo system to the same charity so I can no longer play records. The same person bought the Stereo system! I suspect the charity undersold both the records and the stereo system.

Inner city Aberdeen does not have a lot of snow, so unable to compete with the myriad of snowy photographs I decided on an indoor photograph today. The picture shows the unlikely alliance of his master's voice and MP3.

In the picture "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" seems to apply, though in the case of HMV "if you can't beat them join them" might have been a more appropriate business strategy.

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