Worlds that dont belong

By Jonny've got it quite right. This is a piece of toast. Two slices to be exact. Cinnamon Raisin to even further clarify.

This is my cop out blip for the night, since I'm lacking the motivation really to create something more artistic.

My mind is in about three dozen places at the moment. I'm really stressed out tonight. My mom's going in for surgery in the morning. I didn't know it was going to be as invasive as it will be. I thought it was going to be a quick scope procedure...unfortunately I was wrong. They're going to actually re-open her previous incisions (most of her stomach) and go over all of the stitching and healing from her previous surgery where most of her colon was removed. It should only take a few hours but I'm awfully nervous about it.

My job's getting considerably worse now...they're going to be regionalizing my team by the end of April. This means that the five of us will be split into areas, such as East, West, Central, Canada, etc. This will also cause permanent schedules, and longer hours open, which will affect when the on-call rotation starts. The prospect of being forced to work from home the week of on-call if I end up w/ the west coast (not to mention getting out of the office at 8pm) is nauseating.

Finding a place to move to is much more difficult than expected. I also found out today that I'm going to be moving on my own...hopefully I can recruit someone with a truck on the promise of free beer to assist.

I don't think I've even managed to get half of my thoughts out on paper...

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