2014 project

By 00mark00

24.reflections of a journey. merrion centre

A good day. worked like a demon, smiled and laughed, talked to a friend I haven't spoken to for a while. All good things.

For a while I've been thinking about who I am and where I am in life, something I'm sure we all go through. I know I'm not entirely happy, especially with my job situation and being a single pringle, and the dissatisfaction left me undermotivated . Then I realised that since starting doing this 365 project I feel happy and motivated and things are moving smoothly. But I'm still not pursueing anything else I want. I wander if there is a perfect balance of unhappiness and satisfaction that allows us to move forward.

I started taking photo's on the way into work on the bus this morning, my intention: to get a decent shot of both the outside and a reflection of the inside of the bus, once I got going I realised it was actually quite a good set and not something I'd tryed before.

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