Garden of insects

After a morning of household admin and exercise, I've had a rather sociable afternoon.

First I caught the bus to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary to see my friend Kate, who is currently a cancer patient under treatment at the hospital. One week post-operation she is now in a general ward and able to welcome visitors. When I first arrived, Kate's mother was at her bedside, and by the time I left another friend had appeared. Her husband is calling in this evening. I just hope that we haven't all exhausted poor Kate!

On my way home I called in on Véronique for a long overdue catch-up, and with the expectation that Tzippi would be working on something that I could blip. I was successful on both counts.

It's Mr hazelh's monthly Boys' Book Beer Group meeting tonight. It's a special one this evening because they have a new member: my nephew Paddy. While they eat, drink, and discuss science in the kitchen, I roost in my study. I'm looking forward to enjoying the same meal as them: beef stew, then apple crumble and ice cream, all lovingly cooked by Mr hazelh - yum yum!

Exercise today: sit-ups, weights and stretches; 30 minutes on the exercise bike; small amount of walking (7929 steps).

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