Charlie Mackesey
The boy the mole the fox.and the horse..A beautiful book a present for.our daughter, Its.not been bedt of.days police have come back from the appeal, not.answered.what was asked, were sorry.for the trauma this has caused but not.enough evidence to do.anything. This has.caused a big reaction tonight and were trusting the ward will.look after our daughter tonight. The only way independent legal advice and we dont have the funds, of the trauma the way the police treated out daughter is despicable, and I cant help but believe they are covering up their.mistskes....
An amazing good.samaritan on here He knows. who he is email and to.pursue but we are.not I have to ask woukd independent. legal. advice. find more evidence? we will never.know.
charlie mackesey book is just.wonderful for 8 of 98 years of old.
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