Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Stolen Bouquet

After yesterday's clouds, this morning arrived with bright blasting sunlight--couldn't have taken a shot of that even if I tried, but I love the way the light filters in through the wooden window blinds in the bedroom.

I have spent most of the day getting ready to go see the tax man. Our appointment is this Friday in Temecula, that's south of here. He's an expert accountant so it's worth the drive. I just hate all the paperwork prep to get ready for the appointment. Mr. Fun doesn't do paperwork, so I get to!

At the end of this day I needed to stop in at the campus to pick-up photocopies for tomorrow's class. My students will have their first quiz in the morning. If they've learn the eight comma rules and a little bit about using them, then they should ace the test. I've been telling them since the first session together "Learn those comma rules and you'll earn a high score." So we'll see. I love it when they earn high grades. Of course they do too.

While I was out I also stopped at the grocery store to load-up on a little of everything, so I stepped inside the glassed-in flower refrigerator. The flower fragrance was intoxicating--I thought about staying in there all evening. There were many pretty specimens, so I whipped my cheapie camera out of my purse, put on the macro thingy, that never seems to work well for me, and shoved the lens right in some flower faces and starting clicking. I didn't use the flash and figured for sure each one would be blurred. So I was more than a little surprised when I saw these on the computer screen moments ago. While I'm sure many blippers would rather that I just choose one, I decided as long as I'm stealing flowers with my camera then I'm going to show-off several of them.

Today was a little better than yesterday and topping it off with the bright, beautiful flowers felt lovely and nobody but you know that I was out stealing flowers with my camera late on this Monday afternoon. Well actually a lady stepped into the flower refrigerator while I was in there, but she was a customer, not a clerk. I'm sure she was wondering what I was doing, but I decided not to get chatty. So she just kept admiring flowers while I click, click, clicked.

I know that tomorrow will be even better because "the 17th is always a good day." And tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day. I'm one-fourth Irish! Tomorrow is our son-in-law's birthday.

Thanks for all the nice comments yesterday.
Okay I'm Looking forward to tomorrow.

That's it from Southern California.
Rosie, aka Carol

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