Moments From Museum Monday

Steve and Cindy drove South this morning to go to the Ringling museum. We got there at 9:30 for the 10 a.m. opening.

The birdies were out today on the Museum grounds. Tri-colored herons, snowy egrets, gulls, mergansers, ospreys, and both brown and white pelicans. Fun to see.

Also fun to see was the young lady trying to set up her self-timer to shoot her and her boyfriend. (I volunteered to take it, but she refused.)

In the Extras is my osprey picture of the day. Sitting pretty in a pine tree.

Later, the young lady did let me take their picture. Also, in the weekly Monday night euchre (cards) game, Timmy took home the top prize, and I am now 9 dollars richer. WOO-HOO!

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