
By OurYearOut

Learning about the Germans

I did succeed in getting Meerschweinchen (little pig of the sea aka. guinea pig) almost sensibly into a conversation today ; we also learnt Die Schnecke (snail) ist lecker (or not) and had a conversation about horse meat on sale at Tescos. There are several French people in the class and it's all useful stuff. I was also told after my detailed description of my daily diet that I ate a lot - and someone suggested that the homework, to write a conversation in a restaurant ordering lots and lots (viel und viel), was perfect for me. Not best pleased. . .

There's at least 4 inches of snow and the roads are vile (eklig). They are also full of small children on Schlitten (sledges) which have replaced the Kinderwagen and bikes, filling the streets with very happy littles lying face down whilst towed by doting parents. The cold seems to have multiplied children, sledges, dealers, and presumably customers in the park in an intriguing combination.

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