Another slowish day. A morning of soup-making, then chocolate truffle making (salted caramel flavour - yum). The afternoon slipped away in a blur of shopping and admin for Mr B. And finishing some admin tasks for Conor's teacher: now let's see what she thinks of my attempts at writing in French.
Much calmer warmer weather today, despite a medium frost this morning. This anemone lingers on, with a white friend still trying to burst out into flower. Once this week's cold weather is over, I'm hoping for some garden time. TallGirl has set me a 'word a day' challenge in French. Today's word is miètte, meaning crumb. (The internet 'word a day' thingy I've signed up to had 'variables aléatoires' a few days ago - 'random variables'. I think I know which will be more useful in my everyday life - so crumb it is then...)
The cement still isn't dry, which is bad and good. Bad: because if it freezes before it sets, its strength is reduced by half, making it unlikely I'll ever want to step into the room it supports. Good: because I'm not sure I have the strength in me for another day like last Wednesday!
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