Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Venetian glass

Today I had a lie in and breakfast at 0830. It was raining and grey so I did not feel at all guilty about going out later than previous days.

I went to the Museo Correr to see the Guardi exhibition. It is well worth seeing. It's a big exhibition of his work from early to late. There are pen and ink sketches he used as guides to his work too. I went in at 1000 and there was hardly anyone else there.

From the Museum cafe windows I took photos of the yellow clad men who are erecting an enormous stage in St Mark's Square ready for Carnival at the weekend.

Today I went without the tripod which made me feel free to walk more and just see the city and the people. Some Italians dress very stylishly indeed, making me feel quite scruffy in comparison. (I was dry and warm however.) They love their little dogs, often dressed equally stylishly!

Today's blip is from one of the many shops selling Murano glass. Some is in the form of small souvenirs. This is something else!

(Back at home Bowlby has been in the animal hospital for 2 nights with a bladder infection. She is now home again and we hope she will be OK.)

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