
By mollymay49

Storm Cell

We watched the ominous clouds this afternoon change from white fluffy to dark rain filled monsters, within ten minutes the heavens literally opened! we could hear hail stones cracking on the windows as the storm cell lashed.
Keely had just picked up her brother from school and dropped him at the shopping centre across the road, this is her first storm she has experienced since she got her driving license early the year, to say she was freaking our is an understatement! she slowly made it to our house to take shelter until the storm passed, her friends were posting videos to her mobile of the storms wrath, i must admit it freaked us out  little too, we have been wanting a good downpour for a few months now, today it came all at once, 28mm in some places, our park was flooded opposite too. 
The temps have dropped from 34c to 21c, a more comfortable temp tonight. 

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