
By emmacooperx

That's not a roast potato

Had my new class of 3eme today, they're not as lovely as Veronique's class. Still, I'm sure I'll get to know them pretty soon.

I received a phonecall offering me one of the internships today. The problem is its unpaid and its in Lille. Not sure I'm 100% OK with either of those facts. Waiting for the lady to send me more information about it and then I'll decide whether I'll accept or not. I'd get a commission for anyone that I managed to get to go there, just, I'm not sure I'd be good at persuading people to go there. Any experience is good experience though I guess. One to consider at least.

Started on the translations for the mairie too, the vocabulary is pretty specific, never before have I wished I knew about architecture.

In the evening, Ludovic invited us over with Delphine. He cooked roast beef and potatoes that were certainly not roast potatoes! Nice all the same and home made icecream for dessert. And a new selection of teas. And chocolates. I hope I really am welcome there as often as I'm invited!

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