Lent Challenge 2020: DAY 1

“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27).

And an excerpt from the Tearfund devotional on today’s verse, written by Gideon Heugh:

“Our story started with the image of God.

Beauty. Wonder. Life. This is what God has placed at the core of our being. Nothing can change our identity as children of God, declared so emphatically at the cross. Sin is a stain upon the fabric; it is not the fabric itself.

We were made for good and, despite the fall, we retain that shining potential.

The fullness of life that Christ offers us isn’t about running away from our humanity, it’s about running back into it – it’s about reconnecting with who we were created to be.”

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