The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Smokey Joe's, Cheltenham

This isn't my favourite place, but it was Dave's birthday, so he got to choose. He doesn't eat meat during Lent and today, was of course Ash Wednesday. So we had to go somewhere with a vegan menu.

We didn't do much else : John Lewis again, an Indian grocers for some poppadoms for me, a trip to Chapel Arts where there was an exhibition of printmaking work.

On the way back to the bus stop, I got caught in a micro hailstorm. It didn't last.

In other news, I'm being passed around by phone between my doctors surgery (takes 20 minutes to get through) and NHS 111. Tomorrow I have to phone my doctor again. I have not had CoVid19, just flu. Every single person in the German cluster was associated with the same auto-parts company, with whom I have no connection. It's a storm in a teacup, but I've got caught up now in a global threat and I just want to get back to 'normal' .

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