Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

J is for Julie's New Camera!

Ok so a rubbish use of the letter J, but I didn't want to break my alphabet challenge and it *is* my name so figured I could do it! But I'm so excited, I got a new camera yesterday. I've been after one for a while, before I started Blipping, as the current (old) one take too long from pressing the button and the kids are in the next room by the time it takes! So hubby treated me with the remainder of my birthday money to a shiny new Sony. It's bigger than the other one, I'm used to being able to chuck it in my pocket, so that'll take a bit of getting used to.

Something strange happened though, I took a couple of shots like this one, then suddenly the camera stopped working, do you think it decided it's job was done?!

So this is the last photo with the old one, and is obviously of my new one. Hopefully my Blips will get better now!

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