
By Transitoire


I think I must always say this, but today is my longest day of school...and it does tire you out! I mean I think I prefer having over half my working week in one day, but at the same time it isn't always for the best...

So I start at nine o'clock, with the rather-more-bouncy-than-me sixième. Now this is a normal class, so the level of low-level noise is a lot higher, and the students are generally a bit more boisterous. I do like the class though; although it really frustrates me that one of the more talented students is also the biggest is such a waste. Although they have begun to listen, as soon as your back is turned they start trying to disrupt the class. I really hope that it is just a phase and at some point they will begin to behave! Even with the troublemaker I got on well with the rest of the class, and I managed to get to where I wanted to. Let us see what next lesson brings as to whether or not I have them sussed or not yet!

Next was my lovely troisième INTER, making me smile as ever. They have now moved onto history rather than geography in their class, and I have to be's only marginally more interesting! To give them credit, I think they have coped admirably so far with the limited subject topics and less than interesting workload. Will be going on a trip with them to the lycée at some point in the next month, let us see if they like it! I hope they do, as it is the only lycée (as mine is the only collège) that has an international section for bilingual English.

And now, back to my dreaded cinquième least favourite of the INTER classes. Who were, surprisingly, rather nice today. It might be because I have changed tack with them, as I could never find a film that makes both the girls and the boys happy. They are at an age where everything that is not blood, gore and guts is "trop jeune", everything that is remotely feminine is a no-no for the girls, so I cannot please everyone! So this week I showed them a short video, and then they had to create their own dialogue to go over the top. And it worked. Very well. As I said before, surprisingly well. However by next week that will be ennuyeux, and then I will need to find something new. The thinking cap will have to go on...

No time for lunch today, as a marking session with a teacher then turned into my club for the troisième EURO. I really like the set of students who come along, they are just so enthusiastic, and everything seems to be fun for them. I would say it isn't a chore to do, but it does get tiring keeping up with them! I then have the rest of the class, including those students in the club, for the following two hours after lunch. Today the class was still working on The Landlady, by Roald Dahl...which for the more observant of you has already been done by the cinquième INTER. Now as these students are older, there is a very different slant on it! We asked them all to imagine what was going to happen in the story after reading the first few pages...and most of their imaginings were rather sexual to tell the truth! Hilarious to read, but those two years really do make a difference!

My final class of the day were the really cute sixième INTER, with whom I am going through the film with them. It is still Pirates in an Adventure with Scientists, as I have only half the class, alternate weeks...and you definitely have to watch it with that age range to see the true power of slapstick. Even if they didn't understand everything...they definitely understood the actions, and what was happening within the film. And I don't know why I say this, but I think their English is improving too. Serendipitously it seems that the class has been halved alphabetically, but also somehow I can work a bit slower with the ones who are struggling more. And I think they might actually be improving! Only time can tell though...

After school there was a quick stop off to take this a tram stop called Résistance there is this statue of Jeanne d'Arc. And no, no jiggery-pokery or Photoshop...the statue is actually gold. I quite liked the contrast of the almost brashness of the gold detracting the eye from the couple sat on a bench just underneath her. Also, the types of buildings that surround this statue are very commonly found in Caen, and again they are built using Caen stone.

My evening, finally got a chance to catch up on everything I had let fall behind slightly as I have been out so time to watch a film, but at least I managed a chilled evening!

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