
By schorschi

Butcher Day

Tuesday afternoon is trip to the butcher in Ottobeuren to get dog food. For the 1st time in 20 years was followed by a police car in Ottobeuren & when I parked the officers approached but I was a bit quicker saying I knew why and showing them my official permission to drive without using a seatbelt. They were very pleasant & particularly interested as they had never seen one of these documents. I actually wear my seatbelt 99% of the time but in towns when I just drive a few hundred yards, I tend not to. I actually feel very unsafe without the belt.
Before the butchers a walk in the Bannwald above Ottobeuren. Luna without a leash & she behaved wonderfully despite meeting some 15 walkers & joggers (but no dogs). Paths were treacherous as I had the wrong shoes on - if Luna had been on the leash she would probably have pulled me a la sled dog.
Photo shows Ottobeuren Basilica & Benedictine Monastery.

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