Not Hothouse Flowers
Time to get on the boots and get up that garden to find out what’s burst into bloom since we left. Seems not a lot has changed. Has the weather been a bit poor of late?
Sunny today at least, but for much of the day I’m settled in the nook working my way through the todo list. The SK meanwhile takes herself off to stock the place up with the finest low calorie victuals she can find. And flowers. Lots of flowers.
So, out to meet the chums and catch up on goss; McC the elder is in fine spirits - he’s bought a 2.3HP outboard from the Bosun’s Locker and is getting ready for a spot of sea fishing. When it's warm and sunny presumably. Only five of us though - McC, MrT, me, MrW and the new chap. Whose name I struggle to remember. Simon? He needs a better name.
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