I'm here ....
.... again!
Hi everyone Daisy here ---
I've been thinking Grandma.
Have you Daisy, what about?
Wellll-- Lent is all about preparation for Easter isn't it Grandma?
Yes Daisy, and obedience and repentance of things we have done wrong , so prayer is really needed.
Oh! I see, I wasn't very obedient this morning was I Grandma?
Well not really Daisy.
Cos you feed me in the morning ( & I like that ) Grandma, but if it's raining you always see I'm really nice and dry before I eat, don't you?
Yes Daisy I do .
Well after I'd eaten , the door being open, I went outside and sat in the pouring rain , so that wasn't very obedient was it Grandma? You had told me to stay in the dry.
Yes Daisy I did. So no it wasn't being obedient.
Well Grandma , I've decided I'm going to be very obedient from now on.
That sounds really good Daisy, but remember it's not just for Lent. So when mum & dad come home you must be extra good for them too.
Ok Grandma , will do. Do you want to say anything now.
Just to say we've had rain / sleet and wind whilst it's still cold . But it could be worse . Poor people with the floods , thinking of you all.
"A" will be here in a while so I must away to get lunch ready.
Oh yes my daughter phoned from Bali , missed it. What is it with her and the " bathroom ", I'm always in the bathroom when she calls!! Think it's her telepathy gone wrong!!!
Grateful .... to have a cosy house , poor people in the cold and wet don't have that luxury.
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