Holy Snow!
What a morning! Snow, snow and more snow! Buses in the cities were not cancelled however, so it was off to work I went. Well, after an hour long shoveling adventure to get out of my driveway. A relatively quiet day at work.
This month was Black History Month and students in our school put on an assembly as a form of celebration and awareness. I was so impressed and confess to shedding a tear when one student sang "Freedom". G has such a good heart, a kind spirit, and always has a smile on her face. I just never knew that she sang? And sing she did.....she was so powerful and stole the show! I wish I would have taken my camera into the assembly but as we are at Arts and Media school, I was worried I might get into trouble ;)
Nuthatches are a good runner-up....especially when you get this direct look which always looks so odd.
I am off to southern Ontario tomorrow. I really would like to spend a weekend with my friend and her partner as I have not seen them for a while. I am looking forward to it :)
Have a good one!
D x
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