Up, Up, and Away...With a Fish From the Bay

Let's get this out of the way. It is my birthday, and I was born in 1953. You do the math.

Our friends Steve and Cindy called me at about 4 p.m., and offered to take me out to dinner. I thought that was a very nice gesture. Our old neighbor Faye used to take me out, but she has moved. So, I didn't have to have baked chicken by myself. The three of us went to a Chinese buffet.

I got excited when I saw this osprey, because he/she was on a very short telephone pole. I gently approached it, but he/she was having none of that. I got 3 shots...and that's all the shots I got.

He/she was flying back to the nest to give the rest of the fish to its mate. 15 seconds later, the mate was flying off with the fish to eat in private.

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