Good Morning New Boston

The morning was full of rain.  The river is raging quickly and full.  By afternoon the wind kicked up and the sun came out but with that wind came some bitter cold.  

In other news, I went to an interesting talk tonight about the Free State Project.  What it is and what it means to our state and our local elections.  There were several "Free Staters" in attendance and they were more than happy to share their views. 

"On its face, the Free State Project is pretty simple. It’s a political experiment, an organization that aimed to assemble a group of 20,000 Libertarians, and move them en masse to a single state, where they can pursue the maximum freedoms of life, liberty and property." 

That was from the local public radio station which did an extensive interview about them.  Apparently, they picked the Live Free or Die state of New Hampshire for their experiment.  We are, I believe, at the 20,000 mark and they are running for local and state government positions.  Some of their ideals seem valid and valuable, but some are just plain radical (no funding for public schools, police, fire and the extremists believe in seceding from the U.S.)  I left early but the discussion was interesting and at times heated.  I'll be more careful of who I vote for surely.

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