Super stag symmetry...
The snow is still with us, frozen hard onto the trees and bushes. The lack of wind and low temperatures resulted in drifts of fog coming and going all day. I almost saw some blue sky once or twice, and a pale moon was briefly visible, but we're definitely getting sun-starved here in the east.
After the excitement of yesterday, today was much more mundane. I was meant to take the large car in to be serviced and have its MOT inspection early this morning, but overslept. When I'd had the necessary two cups of coffee I went to get in the care and found that the locks had frozen solid again. Having sorted that out, I then discovered that the locking wheel nut had gone missing, so we spent a frantic half hour searching for it- to no avail. Fortunately the garage confirmed that they didn't need it this time, so I finally arrived about an hour late!
The rest of the morning was spent on a mix of report writing, washing and finishing the marmalade. The marmalade didn't take as long to cook as the recipe suggested, but has turned out a wonderfully deep rich tawny colour and with a full orange flavour, so I suspect I'll use that recipe again. It certainly seemed easier than the traditional way, though it took a little more forward planning.
Alex was too busy working to come out this afternoon, so instead of sledging and snowman building, Rosie and I had a quiet walk along the river. I spotted the reflections of the fallen willow tree, and was able to get an uninterrupted view, now that many of the reeds have been battered by the flooding. The fallen snow highlighted the sinuous shape of the branches, but it was only when I turned it on its side that I realised it looked like an animal, perhaps a stag with a very fine set of antlers.
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