
By Wildwood


I thought I would try an artsy picture of the rocks in the bottom of a very still branch of the creek this morning and got something even better. It's amazing what the eye either doesn't see or takes for granted. I wonder if we do this in other realms. The camera really does allow us to step outside ourselves and look at a scene objectively. Wouldn't it be nice if our minds could step aside in the same way....

The Redwood Gospel mission sent a truck this morning for all the unwanted beds, tables, lamps, clothing and other detritus that didn't make the final cut and have been taking up OilMan's space in the garage. (Well, his car's space.) I finally found my great grandfather's certificate of service in the Union army, signed by Abraham Lincoln. It will go into the "Library" as soon as Chris brings the new shelves on Monday. I hope there will be room for the blue elephant, the wedding pictures and the puzzles....

The contractor, David comes on Monday for Phase I of the kitchen facelift. All we have to do is take out the top drawers until he finishes taking out the counters and putting down plywood. Eventually everything will have to go back into boxes, but not yet.

There are plenty of moments when I wish I could step outside this constant shuffling of possessions and look at it all with a more objective eye, but this too shall pass....

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