Departure ....
.... time!!
Well now Grandma I've been thinking!
Have you Daisy , what about?
Today you've got to take me back home haven't you?
Yes Daisy I have , but O will be there.
Yes I know Grandma, but you're not very well today are you?
No Daisy I'm not , but I'll be ok soon.
Well -- ll I was thinking I'd leave Ellie the Elephant with you to keep you company, after all she has kept me company at nights whilst I've been with you.
That's very thoughtful of you Daisy , I'll miss you but you'll enjoy being with O and Granddan .
Yes I will Grandma , thank you for having me tho'.
It won't be long till I see you again Daisy.
Grateful . .... for "A" to take Daisy out today , but the weather has been foul.
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