Capital adventures

By marchmont


One day I will have a normal life, wake up, go to work, come home, have tea and slump in front of the tv. Today wasn't that day.

Finished cleaning the flat, took out rubbish, charity shop, dentist (filling), work, dropped off cake with S, took Molly to vet (turns out she's been chipped, she has a secret history).

Then 2 buses home, followed by 58 minutes on the phone to talktalk (in the Philippines) and Virgin (not UK). I HATE call centres and my two colleagues who used to work in them hate them too. There is definitely a problem dealing with overseas call centres, no matter how good their English. I lost 90 minutes if my life tonight and a lot of patience. I am truly a GOW.

On a more positive note T had done some more work in the house and I got a belated birthday present and 3 new home cards.

And what is it with all this reporting about snowy roads and school closures? It's winter, it happens every year - get over it.

Molly isn't enamoured either.

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