
February progress report.

The most obvious development is the addition of the panorama on the wall.

In the top right hand corner is the familiar shape of the Matterhorn. The high mountain in the centre is Monte Rosa and the skyline marks the boundary between Switzerland and Italy.

In the middle of the picture is the resort of Saas Fee. In fact it was on a holiday there about 30 years ago that we acquired this picture from the tourist office.

The village of Kensdorf continues to develop slowly. On the hill at the far right is a mountain restaurant with a Swiss flag flying to show that it is open. A footpath goes to it from the village.
No cars are allowed in the village so a car park is being developed just to the right of the church. As in Saas Fee visitors are met there and taken to their hotel on small electric carts. To the right of the station a bus terminal is being built for the Swiss Post bus. I am expecting delivery of the bus very soon.

Some detail is beginning to appear. In the extra you will see the first of many people on the platform. A greenhouse and cold frame have arrived and some picnic tables outside the cafe.

I should confess that houses like these are not really found in this part Switzerland. They are more familiar in Bavaria. But I like them and everyone has their own style of modelling.

Its fun on wet days and the great news is that Mrs. K. Has agreed that next winter I can extend it so that it will double in size. Always assuming that old age or the virus doesn’t get me.

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