Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Food + Friends = Fun


Wow. What a day! It started when we left home for church at 10:30 am and didn't end until over twelve hours later. In between, we had the best time ever with friends Susan and Rachel who are also part of the Awana team every Thursday night!

So, thanks to the Surkus app, I secured and Friends and Family deal at the cafe that we had coffee at on Monday afternoon. That time, I could take just one friend. Today, I could bring up to three, so we had the perfect number. We nearly ordered one item from each section of the menu. The food, we all agreed, was delicious, as was the coffee at the end of it! Thank you, Daily Dose!

Next, we came home briefly. I signed Rachel and Susan up to Lavylites and we also watched summer holiday pics from previous years on the big screen. We got back into the car to head to Al Seef only to find the car wouldn't start. Why, why, why?? Fortunately, our local guy Adnan was at hand. He was at the vehicle immediately but as so often happens, when the mechanic arrives, the car behaves itself. That was embarrassing.

For some reason, he checked the battery terminal and discovered it was very dirty, so gave it a clean with WD40 etc. The car went much smoother the rest of the evening, and he's been given advance payment to change the connectors tomorrow.

We got to Sol Sky Bar just after the sun went down but still got great views from it. Unfortunately, we couldn't hang around as we wanted to walk down Al Seef to take in all the sights and sounds. It was buzzing today. We had to keep dodging people. Rachel and Susan absolutely loved it, and to mark the occasion, they both got balloons! :)

Back in the car again, and we headed to Dubai Water Canal's Future Bridge. Neither of them has been to the Canal, so this was a quick whistlestop taster. They loved that too and we had fun taking pictures there. The bridge is often used for photoshoots so we had one of our own with the girls holding the bar pretending to do a ballet warm-up!

And lastly, we called in at the Beach Canteen which has been set up for the Food Festival. Neither of them had been before so they enjoyed walking around seeing the food pop-up stands as well as the entertainment. There was a huge screen with a movie playing, but not a food one. I've always thought one of the best things about the Beach Canteen was going along and watching a foodie movie. That's how we got introduced to the One Hundred-Foot Journey.

We dropped R&S back at the Sheraton MOE where we started earlier in the day, all very happy and extremely tired. Too tired to even think of looking at my pictures let alone trying to do a blip! We're all looking forward to our next outing! :D

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