Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Unsightly Frying Outcomes. This is what happens when smoke gets in your skies, sets off the alarm and causes the ceiling to look like an invasion of flying saucers. Kinda cool really. I love retro sci-if images.

Maybe there are little green men living in the ceiling. Or maybe the alien is hidden in plain sight and occupying a space on my kitchen wall ... check out the extra ...

Domestic day. Sorting out the spare room so that it can be used for sleeping and working in and stops being a dumping ground. I am seriously thinking of putting up a "no fly tipping" notice on the door as everyone likes to just throw their old crap in there.

Despite the hard work it was a nice day, not least because The Dizzle was in full Resident chef mode in terms of feeding us. He is turning into a first class cook.

Red wine and kalooki in the evening. And a sense of a productive day.

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