Each day a gift.

By Margiesy

At last, a chance to catch up on some blip uploading - twelve days worth in fact. We had a brilliant time at Wilson's Promontory. You may like to take a peek at a very beautiful place. We have been visiting the Prom for years and never tire of it. It has what we think are the best beaches in Australia! And lots of walks which we love. Jack was not able to join us this time. He had works commitments and race commitments - Mountains to the Sea run and the Pier to Pub swim at Lorne. Ireen, Ruby and Willem were able to join us for a few days which was a lot of fun.
Today I am mooching around a little and catching up on a few things. Jack and Joe are out shopping with some of my sister's and Greg is away for a week fighting fires - part of his job as a park ranger. It has been a few years since he has been tied up with firefighting duties, the last being the terrible Black Saturday fires. This summer is proving to be a very dry one unfortunately. We haven't had rain for weeks and there is not much predicted in the forecast.
I am really looking forward to visiting journals over the next few days and seeing what everyone has been up to!
Meanwhile, here is little sleepy Georgie. :)

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