
By kevinmcc

Put your best foot forward!

Remember, always put your best foot forward! In this case, meet Steve! He was kind enough to put his best foot forward for the camera.

Steve has had his left leg prosthesis for over half a decade now. His "new" leg was not cheap! These limbs can run anywhere between $15 - 50K depending on your needs. Steve's prosthesis ran about $20K. Fortunately Steve has good health insurance.

Steve tells me that he could play basketball if he wanted to! A special shock absorber built into the ankle joint allows for about 2 inches of flex when jumping and landing.

Steve went on to tell me that he spends his off hours counseling folks who have had, or are about to have a removal of a limb.

I think Steve summed it up best when he told me...

"Yep, I've had some cancer parts taken, a limb taken, etc., I tell people I'm going to heaven one piece at a time!"

As you can obviously can see from the paint job, Steve has a great sense of humor!

Thank you Steve for a great blip!

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