Too late

I missed sunrise by about 20 minutes this morning. This was taken at 7.52. 
The sun has been very intermittent today after a promising start and there has been a cool wind. I sometimes do my ironing on the balcony and today I put the plastic water container on the balcony wall, not the most sensible decision. After I had finished I heard something drop and suspected it was the container. Both my husband went out and searched in vain for it. It wasn’t until later that I found said container on the dresser where I must have put it. My husband is putting my forgetfulness down to my age. Something had dropped, just a plastic bottle I was using to fill the container.
A comment from the writer Nick Robinson in the Times today, “ For most of us this virus will be more a test of our minds than of our bodies”. I tend to agree with him.

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