To Battle

Two of the girls posing in front of the 1066 Battlefield. They decided they were going to take on various characters as I took photos - no idea what they were doing in this one. 

We went with our daughter to Battle Abbey, near Hastings, so she could do some research for a school trip she is leading later in the month. We were able to get the children in with our English Heritage membership and she had a teacher's free pass. We watched an excellent film which vividly described the whole event and later walked in the Abbey grounds with views over the Battlefield. The girls were impressed that what they had seen on the film actually took place where they were standing. Some climbed to the roof of the Gatehouse (see extra). And we also managed lunch of course. 

A good day. Later we were sent a video as the Tumbling Track had been blown up and was in use. The gymnast loves it; we were all amazed by what she can do. 

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