Barefoot In The Park

After reopening the holes in the pond the birds seems to be happy that they could have a bath.
Personally - I prefer warmer water.

The Cygnet was on fine form this morning - even when he did a beautiful 'face plant' jumping off the settee.
His mother found it pants wettingly funny, especially when he just said 'Ouch' and carried on jumping.
He even insisted on sitting on my lap to eat his lunch.

Later on though he was a wee swine because he had refused to have a sleep.

It was the first of my theatre shoots this evening.
It went pretty well from my point of view -- but I really could do with a camera that has better low light capabilities.
The show is going to be a massive hit with the audience and I must say that I was very impressed with the set builders.
I doesn't look much here - but I will put up some better ones once I have got some done and sent off for 'Front Of House' ............ must dash

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