My corner of paradise

By Arete

The Death or Glory Boys

So, another busy day and the pets are sick of having a camera pointed at them.
Have spent most of the day writing about the British occupation of Australia - pretty depressing stuff.
Then it was time to mow the lawn, I'd put it off as long as possible because it was so hot again today, at least 25 degrees I'd guess. For all my friends and rellies in the UK - it was really, really, hot. Again. :)
Anyway, after that, and the exertions of yesterday, I was ready to collapse for a while but instead had the joy of attending a Boxer Fit class with Harry. Poor Cara came along too despite being between nights so we both suffered.
I was back on the computer and rehashing late 18th Century injustices when I realised I hadnt blipped!
In desperation I snapped a still life of a close at hand object. The pic is of a British army cap-badge belonging to the 17/21st Lancers. Sadly this famous unit no longer exists as they were amalgamated into something else during some sort of restructuring exercise. For obvious reasons the unit was nicknamed the "Death or Glory Boys." This particular badge has always appealed to me - probably because I started collecting these things when I was young and skulls were cool, I later liked this particular badge because it was often used in the 50s, 60s, and 70s to adorn leather jackets belonging to cafe racers and punks, of which I have claimed an affinity to both - even if somewhat late on the scene. I must admit that the skull still appears eerily evil and still seems cool to me - a surprising mix in anything to do with the British Army - especially as I imagine this was designed in the late 18th or early 19th century?
Anyway, enough prevarication and back to Aus...

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