
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Smock was back today, but it wasn't so bad. Of course, she interrupted with irrelevant crap, but on the whole she wasn't too annoying. 

My day passed relatively uneventfully and when I got home Caro was looking somewhat annoyed.

"He has been PICKING AT ME all day!" she said. 

By "he" she meant "Jasper". Who has been sitting by the back door all day, pawing at the glass and meowing. He's quite keen on going out on his wee leash. Caro was not happy.

Now look. I don't know why I'M getting the blame for this. I ran the leash idea PAST her first. I got Wife Approval for the scheme. And WHEN I came home with the leashes WHO was the FIRST to put them onto an ACTUAL CAT??

Ahem-hem. Not ME, you'll find.

So anyway. When I got home I took the little guy out and let him putter about. Meanwhile, Punky looked on enviously but HE is not allowed because he REFUSES to wear the harness. 

But Punky did get to enjoy chasing moths. I love the look on his face in this picture.


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