
By MumOf4Wildlings

I'm me.

After seeing Xander struggle earlier with his emotions and how some children were reacting to him, I wrote this. ( I've also shared this on FB, It would be great if we lived in a world where everyone is accepted )

Adults struggle to understand sometimes
and children even more,
But when you see me holding my ears
And sitting on the floor .

Please don't invade my space while the tears fall from my eye's.
Don't laugh at me or call me name's
And say "that's the boy that cries".

Give me some space, a place to relax,
Heck let me do my thing.
Don't try and wind me up more
When you see that I'm crying.

It's not my fault I'm made this way
My brain works differently from you.
You might like to be chased around
But that scares me and makes me feel blue.

So please if you see me like this,
Just give me some space and time
I'll soon get back to my usual self
If I'm left to my own device .

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