Ass about tit

This photo should be for 2nd March and 2nd March photo should be for 1st March. Hey ho

Very windy today. Lots of rain. A familiar shot to followers of the Frescobaldi vineyards near Pelago.

Tuscany Region published a list of what seemed to me pretty anodyne advice about why Tuscany is still open for business. The economic pressures are intense - tourism is worth €4bn a year and 40,000 jobs are reliant on it.

The number of confirmed cases in Tuscany are low - 13 - but when you find the number of people in self isolation - 944 - that makes you wonder if the region is 'at risk' or not. The Region says it is not at risk.

I guess it comes down to how you measure risk and reward. The city is empty. They'll probably never be a time like it to actually see all the treasures without fighting for a view. But then no-one is really sure what is abroad.

This seems to be a critical week for Italy. The infections are rising, many of which probably took place before he quarantines and lockdowns. If they don't start falling consistently by the end of the week the situation will have to be reassessed.

It's a weird sort of ever-changing neverland.

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