The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Jus' playing around (mono Monday)

With self portrait and effects. Spring was in evidence out there today, but I went to work at 8.15 and left at 4 40, going straight to supermarket to look for pasta for Kim who will be visiting soon. There was not any of her favourite brand. Big gaps on the shelves.

Then I walked home from the big shop. It was 5.45 when I got home, and I threw myself down on the sofa to eat chocolate and read the newspaper online.

And what news? It has been proposed that teenagers, aged 16 to 18, may be given courses in resilience over the Easter holidays, so that they can help with the CoVid19 outbreak and the floods.

Wait a minute... Haven't they got exams to revise for? Might not they also be ill, or living in flooded areas? Or not quite as willing to step up as the teenagers of 40 years ago? Can the country make Men and Women of them, or are they simply (partly) 'economically inactive' , and therefore ripe for the plucking?

Shame, really, that this country decided to get rid of all those pesky Europeans, just in time for CoVid.

No one knows what will happen

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