Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

"Best Hands in the Business"

Thats what is says on the back of the closest sweatshirt.   Too late for the “People at Work” challenge but I couldn’t resist this followup to THIS last week and wanted to record it.   5 of them!  Now working under a tarp for the rain.  This company did some brickwork on one of our neighbor’s condos… they do do good work.   We had a bit of a chat on our walk today.  One of them, seeing me with camera, said Oooh I better put my protective glasses on.  ((same thing with BC Hydro when I was taking a photo..Oooh I better put my hard hat on!)  But the scope of this project is awesome…the old railings were terra cotta and all cracking now so these copies are reinforced concrete, laid and grouted piece by piece.  I gathered a few of this house on Capital hill in the extra.  Have no clue who lives there but they can afford this fine craftsmanship from a different era. 

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