It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

Health and Safety

If the person who reported me to the school for leaving my 2 zonked out toddlers in the car for 5 minutes less than 20m from the school gate in Lancashire's best kept village while I collect no1 son at home time thinks it would be safer for them to be woken and brought with me (with the added consideration of one having downs syndrome, no concept of danger, balance, road vs pavement, stranger danger and could sit down and refuse to get up or run off at any random moment then he or she is very welcome to try!

This photo was taken on arrival at home half an hour later. I know my children better than anyone and would never knowingly make any decision which compromised their safety. If one is awake (very rare) I always take him or her with me. Gggggggrrrrrrr!

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