When will it ever stop?!!!

Yesterday afternoon when I came home from my afternoon walk at 3.30pm I met two very nice young men as I got out of the lift. They were coming out of the flat opposite and they made a HUGE fuss of me. The flat opposite me is empty pretty much most of the year because the owners live abroad and only return every now and again. So Ann wondered who the two very nice young men were. But she didn't dwell on the fact because they had keys and locked up so obviously weren't intruders.

Anyway after about 10 mins or so we became aware of a bleeping sound. It was like the noise a lorry makes when it's reversing. But there weren't any lorries outside it went on and on and on and on. Eventually Ann worked out that the bleeping sound was coming from the flat across the landing. She turned the TV up and tried to ignore it. It wasn't a smoke alarm & it wasn't a carbon monoxide alarm & she knew that no one was in the flat. However after about 5 hours of this she decided as a 'responsible resident' she'd better try to do something about it.

There's 17 flats in our stair and recently the 'ressie ass' have asked us all for our contact details etc. so Ann texted the 'stair rep' and asked her for the contact details of the owners across the landing. As is the norm these days....................... 'stair rep' couldn't give Ann these details because they'd been collected in confidence so Ann said it was OK for her to give out our details. Which very lovely stair rep did. But have the owners been in touch with Ann? They have not!!!

Soooooo......................... it's now 6.30pm and this very loud bleeping sound has been going on for 27 hours. It's driving us nuts! It's obviously affecting the whole stair. The minute we enter the lift on the ground floor we can hear it. Our upstairs neighbours can hear it and were worried that someone was in danger. The students across the landing said that they couldn't sleep. Oh dear?! and are obviously just expecting someone else to deal with it. Ann told them the owners were normally in the flat in August. Lol!

Anyway it seems like the end might be near. Yay! After numerous phone calls & emails to the Agency who look after the flat, 'Stair Rep' has actually managed to get hold of the two lovely young men that we met yesterday (apparently they were from the agency). They know what the problem is and will be popping in tonight to switch off the bleeping. ….....................Here's hopping??!!

..................And in other news........................... I went down to Porty Beach this afternoon to play with my ball. I did non stop running for about an hour. And every time I got tired I just had a little cool down in the sea. …........And then when I got home I asked for early dinner. ….............And now I'm lying flaked out in my bed. (see extras). The really loud bleeping noise doesn't bother me. When I'm very tired I can sleep through anything??!! Lol!

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