Small tortoiseshell butterfly rescue
I almost washed this small tortoiseshell butterfly down the basin in my bedroom this morning. What a strange place for it to hide! I released it outside on a hyacinth in the hope that it might be able to feed. Sadly, when I next saw the poor insect two hours later, one of the robins was pecking it.
My main job of the day was to help Mummy hazelh 'slim' her wardrobe. By the time we finished, the wardrobe's contents were reduced by about 50%: see the extra. I saved a dark green jumper, a velvet scarf, a brooch, and a black crocheted wrap for myself. The rest of the rejected clothes are now on my bed for my sisters to check through for anything that they would like to save. Whatever is left unclaimed will be sent to the charity shop. I have been asked to go through my father's clothes next time. This will be a more difficult task - but at least there will be nobody overseeing my work, complaining every few minutes 'You can't throw that out. I might wear it again!'
I returned to Edinburgh by train this afternoon.
Exercise today: none really, other than a small amount of walking (7,553 steps).
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