Needed mama

The girl needed mama to get to sleep and to stay asleep last night. Kids at school are being pretty horrible and at bedtime she was feeling rather sad with it all. She seems to have a run of bad days, one or two OK ones and then it all falls apart again. She wouldn't go to sleep in her bed and insisted on being in my arms. For most of the night in fact. 

Anyway, she's been incredible today. She did a lovely independent practice apart from coming to delightedly tell me of some successes she had. School. Home for a rehearsal with her accompanist for Saturday night's concert. M was also happy to do some work with her on tomorrow's pieces. When she'd done, I nipped out to get a treat chippy tea for her. After tea, she did her stretching quietly in her room before working on her new clarinet piece then her piano. She was brilliant today. And snuggled in bed, delighted for me to read Harry Potter to her (again) 

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