
By Cumbrialass


A beautiful wind and it felt quite mild... Very spring like!
Very pleasant walk at Abbey H grounds and took our time. 
Then, a  quick trip to the garden centre. A lot of stock just arrived but nothing right for my window boxes. I did like these primula though..reminded me of denim jeans. They'd only got 3 plants left. 

Back home I decided to tidy up the attic... It needed tidying. I should really throw a lot out too. That's for another day.
There's an awful lot of photograph albums up there..going back almost 50 did occur to me that the sum total of photos up there could now be stored on a memory stick.
It'll be good to have a good look through them.
Nice to have a teatime walk with Fletch in daylight again!
The water has not gone down much under the bridge, the path is still covered in water. It could be a while before we get our walk up to the sea wall. Fletch is not impressed ( see extra)

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