
By tookie

Successful Surgery!

What a frosty cold day for Big R's surgery to reattach his quadracept tendon to his knee cap! An early am began around 7:45 and just as I was about to fall asleep in the waiting room the doctor came in to say it was done and went well. I couldn't believe it was done so quickly...just an hour or so. Here I was afraid the doctor was in early to say something had gone wrong! I took him home sporting a locking brace from hip to ankle on the right leg. He's all doped up-had general anesthesia and a femoral block so feeling no pain yet! We are both exhausted now...I contracted a very bad sore throat and full blast cold so sleep is in order for both of us.

Thanks for all the well wishes, good thoughts, prayers and even a candle lit by blipper snapper! Now the long healing process and rehab begins.

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