Into The Unknown

By lindastuff

In the swim

I thought I would go stir crazy this morning - too cold to work in the studio and I felt so sluggish surrounded by all this snow and ice. So, I went swimming and felt so much better and energised afterwards. Only a teensy bit of silent lane rage- the lady next to me was swimming like a pondskater with her arms spread out at right angles, drowning me when she passed.. Still, I had to be polite so just tried to avoid her.
This blip is a view across the fields from the swimming pool. In 1963 these school fields were so deep in snow and ice that we could skate on them. It was the only day in all my school days that we were allowed to wear trousers. How times have changed.
Walked into town later and am now settling down to watch Bake-in for Comic Relief. I like a busy day
Stay warm - more snow to come

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