Last day

The train stopped at Matjiesfontein, we were supposed to be there for 1 hour, but stayed for many hours. (the photo won't load, sorry)  The signal was against us.   We were so very late and had to be in Cape Town that evening, there was just no way were would get there.   S African railways had the train stopping and starting for many miles through the desert - main photo , we were fine - there was plenty of food and wine!
Most of the passengers left the train in the dark with their luggage at Worcester and there were coaches to take us to Cape Town.  A sad end to a marvellous trip.  No goodbyes to the wonderful staff or to friends made on the journey.   Once in Cape Town we got a taxi to our hotel.   We were flying to Jo'burg the next day to spend a few days with our in-laws who live in Sandton.

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