
Peter Buck won't remember this I'm sure but in 1989 he was in a band called REM and they were playing Nottingham. He was wandering around by himself outside the venue a couple of hours before showtime and he couldn't get in. Until he was met by a group of late teens, one of whom (big hair back then, bit of a beard, nowadays a keen cyclist, ahem) offered him a leg-up to get in through an open window which he politely declined, whilst one of the big-haired, bearded teen's pals, she just stood there in shock horror, aghast, shouting "It's Peter Buck! Peter Buck! Everyone, it's Peter Buck!!!!!!!!"

Anyway, Peter Buck is no longer a part of REM, but he has teamed up with Luke Haines (I admit it, I'm a massive fan) for the album 'Beat Poetry For Survivalists' which is out today. And might fine it is too.

In other news, this morning I went cycling and then this afternoon and evening I was at work. We've had these trees before but, this morning in the sun, they were looking especially fine.

Beat Poetry For The Survivalist

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