No can do

My school laptop bag. With bag, laptop and charger, it comes in at 14lbs. With my diary, planner, worksheets for lessons, pencil case and other bits and bobs necessary for work, its about 20lbs.

That's almost 7 times more than I am allowed to lift in the first six to eight weeks post op. Possibly longer. Even when I get to twelve weeks, that's still too heavy.

That's the only new piece of information that I learned today.

90 minutes travelling, 20 minutes waiting for the education session to begin, 1 hour education session. Nothing that I didn't already know from the information that had already been provided in printed form from the hospital.

Can't have the op without attending the session.


I do understand why they do it and it is a good idea, really, in terms of giving people an opportunity to ask questions and such like. There were twenty of us - 10 on the surgery list, 10 partners or friends. I just wonder if it wouldn't make more sense to do it a different way, especially as all of us have to attend again in the next week for our pre-op assessment. The operation has been explained to us by our consultants when the decision was taken to go ahead. The paperwork explaining pre op, the operation, post op and recovery has been read - certainly I have read it more times than I care to remember. I just felt a little condescended to.

I also felt I was in a minority - apart from one other lady who appeared to be in my age group, I felt like a right young pup. Made me feel bad - reinforced the fact that this is all a little bit unfortunate and too soon in my life.

I will get my operation date next week at my pre-op appointment, so I am still none the wiser.

The only break in proceedings came from a pair of ladies who arrived 20 minutes late, missed the presentation from the consultant about the details of the operation, then started asking questions about that when we had moved onto something else and the consultant had left. Then they got really stroppy because it appeared that she was in the wrong education session. It was one of those moments where I had to bite my tongue and stop myself from intervening and telling them not to be rude, that it wasn't the time or place. I also had to cover up a snort of derision - I couldn't help myself. Probably very bad of me, but I was feeling a little jaded by that point.

Anyhow, I have fulfilled the first requirement. Next week, hopefully, I get through pre-op without any hassle and then we can get on with it. Sooner rather than later.

10 more working days to go, 11 if I include my Uni day as well. I can do this. I am resilient, stubborn and determined. I really can do it.


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